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Design Ethics


This course has been very beneficial for me, especially because I’ve been exploring the concept of identity within technology for a long time. A course on technology ethics is particularly useful considering that each of us is already working on different projects and needs to reflect on the impact of our work. In my case, with my thesis, I aim to spark reflection, so I’ve appreciated learning from the various perspectives on technology within the realms of ethics and philosophy. Specifically, the comparison between technological determinism and technological neutrality has been enlightening. While I’ve mostly focused on technological neutrality due to my exploration of technofeminism and Donna Haraway’s work, the concept of technological determinism is challenging for me to fully embrace. I struggle with the idea that humans have no free will or responsibility for their actions in the face of technological determinism.

I anticipate it will be challenging for me to reach a conclusion on these ethical considerations because while society has an ethical responsibility and individuals should be aware of the impact of their actions, many innovations are initially developed with good intentions and later misused by others. It’s a reflection on the extent to which ethical considerations weigh on us, knowing that we shouldn’t refrain from doing good things just because someone might misuse them.

I found it enlightening to explore the role of technology, especially as I envision a future where technology becomes integrated into our identities. It’s essential to consider concepts like eugenics and the moral implications of technology. Particularly impactful was a video shown in class depicting the regulation of artificial intelligence, highlighting how the tech industry often neglects the human aspect in favor of economic growth and societal progress. My thesis aims to address this gap by examining the ethics of artificial intelligence and the prioritization of technology over human welfare.

Overall, this seminar provided a solid foundation in technology ethics, which will inform my ongoing exploration of identity, technology, and privacy in a world of pervasive surveillance. Balancing the benefits gained from technology with the loss of privacy incurred by sharing our data remains a complex issue that I will continue to delve into throughout my master’s studies.

Learning Outcomes

Self-Assessment: 8.5

These are the key takeaways from the class that I want to explore further:

Philosophy of Technology: Understanding how technology reflects societal values and beliefs, and its implications.

Ethics in Design: Exploring the ethical considerations in design, especially how design influences behavior and societal norms.

Regulation of AI: Delving deeper into the ethical and practical aspects of regulating AI, including fairness, consequences, and the broader societal impacts.

Ethical Implications of Apple Health App

Explore the Mediation of Experience phenomenologically

Analyze how the artefact mediates human actions and perceptions. Consider how it changes the way users perceive, understand and engage with the world.

It changes the way you interact with yourself and the environment. You see your life from another perspective and point of view. Keeps data and makes you change your routine to save the data. It changes your life in terms of collecting the data but also receiving data knowledge and alerts.

The Apple Health app serves as a lens through which users perceive and engage with their health and well-being phenomenologically. By capturing data on various metrics such as activity, sleep, and nutrition, it redefines how individuals experience their own bodies and health status. Through a phenomenological lens, users engage with the app not just as a tool but as an extension of their own bodily awareness and self-understanding.

Identify one or more relevant Human-Technology Relations

Embodiment - users integrate the app into their daily routines, incorporating it as an extension of their own bodily practices.

Hermeneutic - users interpret the data presented by the app to construct meanings about their health and lifestyle choices.

Alterity - facilitating interactions between humans and technology, blurring the boundaries between self and device.

Background - constantly reading your body, so it is there.

Cyborg - no

Analyze the Mediation of Experience ethically

Explore any moral or ethical dimensions the artefact mediates. Consider how it shapes human actions, decisions, and ethical considerations. What values are inscribed and excluded in the artefact?

Ethically, the Apple Health app raises questions about data privacy, autonomy, and the influence of technology on decision-making processes. Sensitive health data Make decisions based on volume alerts and exercise.

It inscribes values of self-improvement and well-being while potentially excluding marginalized groups who may not have access to or benefit from such technology. It doesn’t work on android. And people who dont have tech It is not inclusive. A general app, it includes general public..

Moreover, it shapes human actions and ethical considerations by incentivizing certain behaviors over others, potentially leading to unintended consequences or reinforcing societal biases.

Contextualize in Society

Discuss the broader societal implications of the artefact’s mediation. cOnsider cultural, social, and possibly political dimensions of its use and integration into daily life short term and long term. What will or could change?

In society, the integration of the Apple Health app into daily life has both short-term and long-term implications. Culturally, it reflects a growing emphasis on self-quantification and wellness optimization. Socially, it may exacerbate existing health disparities by favoring those with access to technology and resources.

Politically, it raises concerns about data ownership, surveillance, and the role of corporations in shaping public health agendas. Over time, its widespread adoption could reshape norms around health management and influence policy decisions related to healthcare and technology.

Summarize three key points of you analysis and present

The Apple Health app transforms the phenomenological experience of health and well-being, integrating into users’ daily lives as an extension of their bodily awareness. It mediates human actions and perceptions by encouraging healthier behaviors and shaping interpretations of health data, blurring the boundaries between self and technology. Ethically, the app raises concerns about privacy, autonomy, and societal inclusivity, while its societal integration reflects broader cultural, social, and po litical dynamics, with potential long-term implications for public health and technology governance.