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Fair Future(s)


In this seminar, which is a hybrid of various workshops, working sessions, and discussions, we were guided to explore and reflect extensively on technology, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies such as NFTs and blockchain. We collaborated with individuals from SODA, the School of Digital Arts at Manchester Metropolitan University, where we collectively explored different avenues to discuss these topics. Our aim was to envision a future addressing the current poli-crisis scenario and consider how we can tackle societal issues through Blockchain, NFTs, and digital contracts.

Essentially, the focus was on collaboratively developing a governance or economic model within a group context that could contribute to contemporary society. This involved recognizing that these new subjects revolve around creating digital artifacts that can be shared online, are resistant to manipulation, and essentially establish an autonomous structure or decentralized organization where knowledge sharing and mutual assistance can prosper. The overarching goal was to harness these technologies to foster societal improvement, particularly considering the multifaceted crisis our society faces.

Link to the Miro Board.


During the talks, we explored NFT, blockchain and digital contracts, then collaborated on activities to explore their social potential. My team focused on urban thermal generation and presented the benefits of blockchain and Dafne platform to promote sustainable architecture and lifestyle. Despite several brainstorming sessions, the transition to implementation proved difficult. Our goal was to build a supportive and engaged community in promoting heat reduction solutions, eventually creating a token system on the Dafne platform to encourage participation and reward development.

Though our project functioned ideally at a conceptual level, it essentially involved creating another economic system incentivizing sustainability. Notably, the project wasn’t geared towards individual gain but rather towards fostering supportive communities where each member contributes. Our efforts included engaging with government entities, businesses, and local communities to promote heat reduction solutions.

In summary, this seminar stimulated deep reflection on the application of emerging technologies to social challenges. While conceptualizing solutions was straightforward, translating them into actionable plans required creative problem solving and collaboration. Our goal was to build sustainable communities and innovate for positive change, ultimately contributing to a more environmentally responsible society.

Learn more about the project


I really enjoyed this seminar because it was a different approach compared to our usual classroom seminars. We discussed a topic we hadn’t explored much before, and I learned a lot about NFTs and blockchain. I never imagined I could use these technologies to promote a physical project in society. I gained a lot of knowledge, and what I took away from this seminar is the importance of promoting projects that are open to everyone. While I may not use tokens and NFTs much in my thesis project on artificial intelligence, I am more interested in the concept of blockchain, creating projects accessible to all and fostering collaboration while being transparent and sharing knowledge in a decentralized way.

As my master’s thesis focuses on mental health and identity in a future where technology will play a significant role, I may find it challenging to apply this knowledge. I question how sharing everything in the cloud aligns with our identity philosophically, as we are constantly under observation. Nevertheless, I enjoyed learning how to utilize such technologies to address societal issues and how to build communities in our technological world.