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About me

A little too personal?

I don’t really know who I am, so I’m going to explain to you what I like. For me, the best experiences are those that engage all five senses; that’s why one of my favorite things in this world is food. There are no great trips without experiencing the local cuisine, no gatherings with friends without good tapas, and undoubtedly, no movies without popcorn. I love discovering new places to explore different flavors and cuisines. Besides food, I’m a wine and coffee enthusiast. I’ll never say no to either of those two drinks, but I will say no to beer.

I’m a frustrated artist in search of new hobbies; I paint, draw, work with ceramics, and now I’ve discovered my new obsession: knitting. Still, I keep making scarves because I haven’t learned to do anything else yet :).

I used to be a natural athlete; I played tennis and practiced taekwondo. However, due to a knee injury, I’ve become a person glued to the couch and incapable of going to the gym more than twice a week (and that’s me being generous).

I was raised in a very strict school where I learned that in life, you can only aspire to be the best at everything, and if you’re not the smartest in the group, you’re wasting your time. Now, as an adult, this has left me with an inability to accept defeat and a long journey to deconstruct the bad habits of perfectionism.

As a designer, I dream of becoming someone others look up to and being a catalyst for change in society. Sustainability motivates me, and I firmly believe that recycling in Spain is a scam, and we should find other ways to manage waste and materials.

The most important thing in my life is my friends; they are what I value most in this world, and I would do anything for them (I’m not exaggerating when I say I would help them bury a body if they ever killed someone). I don’t enjoy partying, but I’m willing to have conversations until 5 in the morning on all kinds of relevant topics, like the importance of religion or whether a good spanish tortilla should be made with or without onions (always with).

Currently, I’m in a phase of self-discovery and healing from past wounds that have affected my mental health. I’m very excited to start the MDEF master’s program at IAAC because I know it will help me deconstruct my habits and beliefs, learn more about the world and myself, and enable me to contribute to our society.

If my life was a movie this would be my soundtrack