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Research and Methodologies

Workshop 1

This workshop was an introduction to different ways of approaching a Master’s thesis. I found it interesting, but I have to say it felt very tailored to architecture students rather than MDEF students. It was still beneficial, as it taught us that our thesis doesn’t have to be something entirely new or a complete innovation; instead, it’s about seeing and designing from different perspectives.

This helped me focus on where I’d like to dive in and look for more references. This year, I jumped straight into creating rather than reflecting on who is making these materials and how they’re doing it. Right now, I feel like my thesis is quite general, especially since I’m not an AI programmer. I need to pinpoint what I should specifically focus on and who I should be talking to.

I think I’m on the right track; I just need to do a lot of research. However, I anticipate that as the year goes on, my questions and working style may evolve because I still need to solidify my inquiry. This course has helped me calm down a bit, as I initially thought I needed to start providing a lot of information. Instead, it has allowed me to establish a solid foundation to discover what I need to do for my thesis.

I still need to identify what kind of input I want to give, meaning what types of information I want to gather for prototyping and who I want to collaborate with. I know I have a long way to go, but I enjoyed the course. That said, it was very focused on architecture and didn’t align much with the world of MDEF or product design, let alone the unique perspective of my master’s program. Nevertheless, I’m excited to start from scratch.

Here is my deliverable for this week: